
Tistole tam spodaj je pa res vsem v poduk in opozorilo, kdo Microsft 
pravzaprav je. Res ti hvala, da si nam posredovala naprej!


Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> On Dec 6, 2007 10:01 PM, Janko Mivšek wrote:
>> Fantje in punce, spet je čas za akcijo!
> Hvala za dodatno opozorilo :)
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: <NO>OOXML: Your action is required: Contact SIST now!
>> Dear Janko Mivšek,
>> You signed the <NO>OOXML petition, a movement backed now by more than
>> 70.000 supporters worldwide. Our effort to influence the OOXML (Office
>> Open XML) standardization process has been an astonishing success so
>> far. We aim for at least 100.000 signatures in February when the Geneva
>> Ballot Resolution Meeting (BRM) will convene with the aim to resolve
>> comments.
>> Microsoft is trying by all means to get its "standard" adopted without
>> substantial changes despite of its thousands of officially reported
>> technical flaws and the pre-existence of ISO 26300:2006 (OpenDocument,
>> ODF) as the most appropriate international standard for the
>> representation of office documents.
>> By next Tuesday Dec 11 2007 delegates from your National Standards Body
>> SIST who will participate in the BRM have to be announced to
>> ISO. At least Portugal and Ireland will be represented by Microsoft. In
>> many other countries, we know that Microsoft gold partners are proposing
>> themselves as heads of national delegations. Many of them will prevail
>> if we do not take action.
>> Will you let Microsoft represent your country at Geneva and decide the
>> future of OOXML?
>> You can make a difference and call now SIST at +386-1-4783013 and help
>> us to find out:
>>    a. Who will represent SIST on DIS 29500 at the Ballot
>>       Resolution Meeting in Geneva?
>>    b. When will the decision on delegates be made and if SIST is
>>       aware of the Dec 11 deadline?
>>    c. Does your national delegates for the BRM are independent enough
>>       from Microsoft?
>>    d. Does the responsible Committee of SIST for DIS 29500 work
>>       on resolution proposals for all the 3500 comments tabled or - if at
>>       all - only for the national comments that they submitted?
> Člani SIST-a, torej tudi Lugos, so zavezani k "molčečnosti" (kar še
> vedno ne pomeni, da se ne sme pozanimati kdo drug), ampak če koga
> zanima odziv enega od članov (ali je omenjena oseba tudi kandidat za
> zastopnika Slovenije, ni znano) na eno od zgoraj navedenih vprašanj,
> ga bom citirala (glede na to, da je bil odgovor poslan na privaten
> mail, mislim, da s citatom ne kršim te "zavezanosti"):
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: J*** C*** <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Dec 7, 2007 8:15 AM
> To: Mojca Miklavec
> Who the f.. is Mojca Miklavec?
> J
> ---------- konec citata ----------
> Če bi mu kdo rad karkoli odgovoril, naj pove (samo ne na listi) :)
> Mojca
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Janko Mivšek
Smalltalk spletni applikacijski strežnik
lugos-list mailing list

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