-------- Original Message --------

Obveščamo vas, da je bil rok za prijavo k sodelovanju na 4. mednarodnem
multimedijskem festivalu HAIP 2010 podaljšan *do 9. maja 2010*. Veselimo
se vaše prijave k sodelovanju na festivalu HAIP10 z letošnjo temo "Nova

*//Festival HAIP10 // NOVA NARAVA // Povabilo k sodelovanju*

Z veseljem sporočamo, da bo med *23. in 26. novembrom 2010* v Ljubljani
potekal 4. mednarodni multimedijski festival *HAIP 2010*. Objavljamo
povabilo k sodelovanju na festivalu.

Prosimo, da pred izpolnitvijo obrazca k prijavi preberete navodila ter
informacije o festivalu in letošnji temi. Rok za oddajo prijav je *9.
maj 2010*. Več informacij in obrazec k prijavi dobite tukaj:
http://www.haip.cc/?p=55 <http://www.haip.cc/?p=55.>

*Festival HAIP* je družbeno aktualen, obravnava teme iz polja
intermedijske umetnosti in najnovejših komunikacijskih tehnologij. HAIP
predstavlja tako dela mladih obetavnih kot tudi uveljavljenih umetnikov,
teoretikov, kreativnih inženirjev in skupin, ki so usmerjeni v vrhunske,
na ravni praktične ali ideološke izbire z odprtimi standardi podprte
umetniške prakse. Na festivalu se bodo predstavili posamezniki in
skupine, ki s svojim delovanjem kreativno in kritično obravnavajo
družbeni razvoj in napredek, v katerega smo v razcvetu raznolikih
možnosti in izbire vključeni vsi. S tem fokusom festival HAIP podpira
raziskovanje in ustvarjanje tistih sodobnih umetniško-znanstvenih praks,
ki presegajo meje posameznih zvrsti in vsebin. O tem priča tudi ime
festivala »HAIP«, ki je kratica za »Hack-Act-Interact-Progress«.

/Za posredovanje vabila k zainteresiranim sodelovanju se vam iskreno


*Open call: Festival HAIP10 - Submission deadline prolonged until May 9th*

We are announcing the submission deadline for 4th international
multimedia festival HAIP 2010 has been prolonged until *May 9th*. We are
looking forward getting your contributions along our this years topic
/"New Nature"/!

*//Festival HAIP10 // NEW NATURE // Call for applications*

We are happy that we are able to announce that 4th international
multimedia festival *HAIP 2010* will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia,
from 23rd –26th November 2010. We are announcing call for participation.

Please read the submission guidelines before filling out the form for
HAIP10 *until 9th May 2010*. You can find more information and
application form here: http://www.haip.cc/?p=56

*HAIP festival* is conceived to be socially active and through it we
attempt to reach the very core of the issues and themes in the field of
intermedia art and contemporary scientific communication technologies.
On the international level the HAIP festival presents the works of young
perspective as well as already established artists, theoreticians,
creative engineers and groups that are oriented into top artistic
practices that are supported by open standards. Thus the festival will
present individuals and groups who creatively and critically deal with
social development and progress that includes us all due to the bloom of
the variety of possibilities and choice. With this focus the HAIP
festival supports the research and creation of those contemporary
artistic and scientific practices that surpass the borders of specific
forms and contents. This is also shown by the name of the festival, i.e.
»HAIP« - which is an acronym for »Hack-Act-Interact-Progress«.

/Thank you for spreading the word about this open call to everybody


*Kiberpipa - Zavod k6/4*
Kersnikova 6
1000 Ljubljana
pon.-pet. 10.00 - 22.00
prost vstop / prost dostop / prosto programje
free entrance / free access / free software
info at kiberpipa.org
haip at kiberpipa.org

Web: http://www.kiberpipa.org/
Videoarchive / live stream: http://video.kiberpipa.org/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Kiberpipa


Kiberpipo podpirajo: Zavod K6/4, ŠOU v Ljubljani, Evropski sklad za
regionalni razvoj, Ministrstvo za visoko šolstvo, znanost in tehnologijo
- projekt E-točke, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana.
Kiberpipa je članica Mreže multimedijskih centrov Slovenije M3C in
Društva Asociacija.

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