The past year has held many significant milestones in Lustre development and 
adoption.  Some very exciting work has been done to enable performance and 
scalability at new levels; usability and administrative features also have been 
added to successfully broaden Lustre adoption.
This is a perfect time for us all, as a community, to take stock of where we 
are and what comes next.  Please take 2 minutes to respond to this anonymous 8 
question, multiple choice survey<>.
Your answers will help inform the community discussion around the Lustre 
ecosystem, its evolution and its future.  A summary of your responses will be 
presented at the Lustre User Group<> 
(LUG'13) and your contributions to this survey can help ensure that results 
reflect the needs, wants and desires of the worldwide community.

Thank you,
Dave Fellinger & The DDN Team
Survey URL:

David Fellinger
Chief Scientist
Office of Strategy and Technology


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