

LUG 2016: Call For Participation 

Abstracts Due Friday, Feb 12th

Friday, February 12th is the final day to submit a presentation for the
<http://opensfs.org/events/lug-2016/> 14th annual LustreR User Group (LUG)


The abstract submission deadline is February 12, 2016

No submission extensions will be granted


The OpenSFS LUG Planning Committee is looking for presentations related to
specific development challenges, new feature development, project updates,
edge-case implementations, and more. Does this sound like something you are
working on? Then submit an abstract today! 


Submit an Abstract 

The over-arching goal of LUG 2016 is to provide a forum for end user sites
to share knowledge and experience with their peers. All LUG presentations
will be 30 minutes, with a total of 25 speaking opportunities available.


To submit an abstract please visit the
<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=lug2016> LUG 2016 Call for
Presentation Submission Website: Your abstract should be a minimum of 250
words and should provide a clear description of the planned presentation and
its goals. 


*         You will need to create a user account on Easy Chair (our online
submission platform) if you don't already have one

*         After providing your user details via Easy Chair, you will be
prompted to complete the online submission process


Please note, the LUG Program Committee will prioritize abstracts from
end-users and their organizations. Accepted presentations will be subject to
panel review three weeks in advance of LUG 2016.


Additional submission guidelines are available on the
<http://opensfs.org/call-for-participation/> Call for Participation website.


Event Overview

LUG 2016 is the primary event for technical presentations and discussions on
the Lustre parallel file system. This year's conference is being held in
Portland, OR, from April 5-7, 2016. 


f75&llr=c9ldpiwab> Register now to take advantage of the special early bird
rate before March 11th. The early bird registration price is $525.


We look forward to seeing you in Portland at LUG 2016!  


Best regards,

OpenSFS LUG Planning Committee





 <http://opensfs.org/events/lug-2016/lug-2016-sponsorship/> Click here to
learn how to become a 2016 LUG Sponsor




Open Scalable File Systems, Inc. was founded in 2010 to advance Lustre
development, ensuring it remains vendor-neutral, open, and free. Since its
inception, OpenSFS has been responsible for advancing the Lustre file system
and delivering new releases on behalf of the open source community. Through
working groups, events, and ongoing funding initiatives, OpenSFS harnesses
the power of collaborative development to fuel innovation and growth of the
Lustre file system worldwide.


OpenSFS Administration

3855 SW 153rd Drive Beaverton, OR 97003 USA | Phone: +1 503-619-0561 | Fax:
+1 503-644-6708

Twitter:  <https://twitter.com/opensfs> @OpenSFS | Email:
<mailto:ad...@opensfs.org> ad...@opensfs.org | Website:
<http://www.opensfs.org> www.opensfs.org



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