*LAD'17 - Lustre Administrator and Developer Workshop**
**October 3rd - 4th, 2017**
**Hôtel des Arts et Métiers, Paris - France*

EOFS and OpenSFS are happy to announce the 7th LAD will be held in Paris, France, at the Salon de l'Hôtel des Arts et Métiers! This will be a 2-day event, from 3rd to 4th of October, 2017. This will be a great opportunity for worldwide Lustre administrators and developers to gather and exchange their experiences, developments, tools, good practices and more.

Please save the date!

All information on http://www.eofs.eu/events/lad17

This event is organized thanks to the following generous sponsors:
Atos, CEA, Intel

For any other information, please contact l...@eofs.eu
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