On 2017-10-02, 11:16 PM, "Jones, Peter A" 
<peter.a.jo...@intel.com<mailto:peter.a.jo...@intel.com>> wrote:

We are pleased to announce that the Lustre 2.10.1 Release has been declared GA 
and is available for 
download<https://downloads.hpdd.intel.com/public/lustre/lustre-2.10.1/>. You 
can also grab the source from 

Along with a number of useful bug fixes, this maintenance release includes the 
following notable enhancements over 2.10.0:

  *   RHEL 7.4 support for Lustre Servers and Clients 

  *   ZFS 0.7.1 is now the default version of ZFS used for the release 

  *   RHEL 6.9 support for Lustre Clients 

  *   Ubuntu 16.04 support for Lustre Clients

  *   Patchless server build for ldiskfs is now routinely provided. Note that 
the patched kernel version must still be used to make use of project quotas

  *   4.9 Kernel support for Lustre client 

  *   MOFED 4.1 support

Details of changes since 2.10.0<http://wiki.lustre.org/Lustre_2.10.0_Changelog> 
can be found in the 2.10.1 change 

Please log any issues found in the issue tracking 

Thanks to all those who have contributed to the creation of this release.

We are planning to release Lustre 2.10.2 during Q4.
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