We are pleased to announce that the Lustre 2.11.0 Release has been declared GA 
and is available for 
<https://downloads.hpdd.intel.com/public/lustre/lustre-2.11.0/> . You can also 
grab the source from 

This major release includes new features:

Data on MDT  The Lustre Data on MDT (DoM) feature improves small file IO by 
placing small files directly on the MDT. It also improves large file IO by 
avoiding the OST being affected by small random IO that can cause device 
seeking and hurt the streaming IO performance  

File Level Redundancy –Delayed Resync Provides a mechanism whereby files can be 
replicated on multiple OSTs in the same namespace, thus strengthening and 
improving reliability, availability, and aggregate parallel read performance of 
the data (LU-9771<https://jira.hpdd.intel.com/browse/LU-9771>)

Lock Ahead Enables userspace to request LDLM locks asynchronously thus 
improving performance for certain workloads 

Fuller details can be found in the 2.11 wiki 
page<http://wiki.lustre.org/Release_2.11.0> (including the 
log<http://wiki.lustre.org/Lustre_2.11.0_Changelog> and test 

Please log any issues found in the issue tracking 

Thanks to all those who have contributed to the creation of this release.

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