On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 03:58:36PM -0400, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
> Let's start by saying putting an MDS and OSS on the same box is not good
> from both a performance and recovery point of view.  If that box fails,
> recovery can fail.

Well, I guess that for the first tests it could be ok :)

> > I use
> > options lnet networks="tcp0(eth2),tcp1(eth0)"
> > Then I created the OST
> > /usr/local/lustre/sbin/mkfs.lustre --fsname=l_smaug2 --reformat --ost 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] /dev/Scratch_VG/Scratch_2
> > 
> > I mounted it:
> > mount /dev/Scratch_VG/Scratch_2 /mnt/lustre/ost0
> Do you get any errors from this mount?

none at all.

> > However, cat /proc/fs/lustre/devices shows that no OST is attached at all.
> What does it show?

# cat /proc/fs/lustre/devices 
  0 UP mgs MGS MGS 5
  1 UP mgc [EMAIL PROTECTED] 38be3e11-3501-85e4-da0a-4b5efb287c2b 5
  2 UP mdt MDS MDS_uuid 3
  3 UP lov l_smaug2-mdtlov l_smaug2-mdtlov_UUID 4
  4 UP mds l_smaug2-MDT0000 l_smaug2-MDT0000_UUID 3

> > What am I missing?
> You haven't really said what the problem is beyond the device list.  Did
> you get errors?  Are there any problems with clients, etc.

Yes, the client complains that mdt does not have any osts.

However, I tried it all again and it mysteriously works now. Somewhat

So sorry for the buzz.

Lukáš Hejtmánek
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