Am Dienstag, den 06.10.2009, 09:33 -0600 schrieb Andreas Dilger:
> > ... bla bla ...
> > Is there a reason why an immediate read after a write on the same node
> > from/to a shared file is slow? Is there any additional communication,
> > e.g. is the client flushing the buffer cache before the first read? The
> > statistics show that the average time to complete a 1.44MB read request
> > is increasing during the runtime of our program. At some point it hits
> > an upper limit or a saturation point and stays there. Is there some kind
> > of queue or something that is getting full in this kind of
> > write/read-scenario? May tuneable some stuff in /proc/fs/luste?
> One possible issue is that you don't have enough extra RAM to cache 1.5GB
> of the checkpoint, so during the write it is being flushed to the OSTs
> and evicted from cache.  When you immediately restart there is still dirty
> data being written from the clients that is contending with the reads to
> restart.
> Cheers, Andreas

Well, I do call fsync() after the write is finished. During the write
process I see a constant stream of 4 GB/s running from the lustre
servers to the raid controllers which finishes when the write process
terminates. When I start reading, there are no more writes going this
way, so I suspect it might be something else ... Even if I wait between
the writes and reads 5 minutes (all dirty pages should have been flushed
by then) the picture does not change.



Michael Kluge, M.Sc.

Technische Universität Dresden
Center for Information Services and
High Performance Computing (ZIH)
D-01062 Dresden

Willersbau, Room A 208
Phone:  (+49) 351 463-34217
Fax:    (+49) 351 463-37773

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