On Sunday 18 April 2010, Charles Taylor wrote:
> On Apr 18, 2010, at 9:38 AM, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
> > On Sun, 2010-04-18 at 09:30 -0400, Charles Taylor wrote:
> >> Is there some way to remove these files from the MDT - as though they
> >> never existed - without reformatting the entire file system?
> >
> > lfsck is the documented, supported method.
> Yes, but we attempted that at one time with a smaller file system (for a
>  different reason).   After letting it run for over a day, we estimated
>  that it would have taken seven to ten days to finish.   That just wasn't
>  practical for us at the time and still isn't.  This file system would
>  probably take a couple of weeks to lfsck.  I'm sorry to say we can't take
>  the file system offline for that long.

You don't need to take the filesystem offline for lfsck. Also, I have 
rewritten large parts of lfsck and also fixed the parallelization code. I need 
to review all patches again and probably also make a hg or git repository out 
of it. Unfortunately, I always have more tasks to do than I manage to do...
But given the fact that I fixed several bugs and added safety checks, I think 
my version actually is better than upstream.

Let me know if you are interested and I can put a tar ball of 
e2fsprogs-sun-ddn on my home page.


Bernd Schubert
DataDirect Networks
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