Greetings all.

Thanks to the good folks at Oracle (who were kind enough to allow me to
use their public Git repository infrastructure, and did all the hard
work of setting up the repo and educating me on the finer points of
pushing to remote Git repos) I am pleased to announce that the source
code to the MacOS X Lustre client that I released two weeks ago is now

The URL for this repo is:


That repo will have two branches: "master" (which has the latest master
source code that I've merged against) and "b_master_macosx" (the branch on
which I do my work).  If you are unfamiliar with how Git works, here's
a super-brief tutorial to get the source code:

% git clone git://
% cd lustre
% git checkout b_master_macosx

If you are actually crazy enough to want to BUILD the source code, well,
here's what you should do (you should be running Snow Leopard and have the
latest download of Xcode):

% ./
% ./configure --disable-server --disable-snmp --disable-liblustre-acl 
--enable-mpitests=no --enabler-pinger
% make

For the truely curious, the last (and only) release I did can be accessed
via the tag "macosx-alpha-1".  I plan on pushing to this repo on a regular
basis, so it make break occasionally; consider yourself warned.

Shar and enjoy!

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