On Tue, 2010-05-04 at 18:58 +0200, Bernd Schubert wrote:

> > 
> > Now a couple of questions:
> > 
> > 1) I've compiled RedHat5  2.6.18-164.11.1 kernel using config from file
> > config-2.6.18-164.11.1.el5_lustre.1.8.3 extracted from package
> > kernel-2.6.18-164.11.1.el5_lustre.1.8.3.x86_64-ext4.rpm from Oracle
> > server that says:
> > Lustre-patched kernel for ext4(MDS/MGS/OSS Only)
> > 
> > Is it the right one?
> I don't think there is a right or a wrong. For RHEL 5.4 kernels ldiskfs is 
> either based on ext3 or ext4. The ext3 based version is better tested (with 
> default options),  the  ext4 based version has more features (e.g. 16TiB OST 
> size support).

OK. But, can I use it both for servers and clients?
> > 
> > 2) By looking at infiniband libraries in Ubuntu LTS 10.04/Debian testing
> > I could see that there are mainly OFED 1.4.2 except except libibverbs
> > and librdmacm packages which seem to be from OFED 1.5.1 (libibverbs) and
> > 1.5 (librdmaca).
> > I suppose it have done this way, due to the 2.6.32 kernel (containing
> > OFED 1.5.1 as you can see in docs/OFED_release_notes.txt) and openmpi
> > 1.4.1 (coming with OFED 1.5.1), but I afraid of having problems when
> > using Lustre 1.8.3 on it. I asked Debian maintainer Roland Dreier but he
> > did not answer.
> > 
> > Should I worry?
> > 
> You do not need to care about IB libraries in Lustre at all. Lustre only 
> accesses the kernel interface. Also, OFED is only a stable collection of 
> different libraries and utils. Mixing version is allowed, but is not as well 
> tested as the combination provided by OFED.

Got it.


Ramiro Alba

Centre Tecnològic de Tranferència de Calor

Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeries
Industrial i Aeronàutica de Terrassa
Colom 11, E-08222, Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain
Tel: (+34) 93 739 86 46

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