the ptlrcp bug is a problem, but i don't find in the Peter's logs any 
refer to an eviction caused by the ptlrpc but instead by a timeout 
during the comunication between a ost and the client. But Peter could 
make a downgrade to that not suffer by the problem.

My action plan could be:

1. First of all Peter use the same lustre between client and server 1.8.3.

2. Second check the /proc/sys/lustre/ldlm_timeout : 6 sec for MDS, 20 
sec for OSS!!

3. Third: do you have enough memory on the servers for all the clients 
locks? Please refer to: 

Normally the server could suffer for more than 500k locks.


On 07/07/2010 02:12 AM, Christopher J. Morrone wrote:
> On 07/05/2010 11:19 PM, Peter Kitchener wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have been troubleshooting a strange problem that is occurring with our 
>> Lustre setup. Under high loads our developers are complaining that various 
>> processes they run will error out with I/O error.
>> Our setup is small 1 MDS and 2 OSS(10OSTs 5/OSS), and 13 Clients (152 Cores) 
>> the storage is all local 60TB (30TB/OSS) usable in a RAID6 Software raid 
>> setup.  All of the machines are connected via 10Gig Ethernet. The clients 
>> run Rocks 5.3 (CentOS 5.4) and the Servers run CentOS 5.4 with kernel 
>> 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5_lustre.1.8.2.  The Clients run an un-patched vanilla 
>> kernel from CentOS and Lustre 1.8.3
>> So far I've not been able to pin point where i should begin to look. I have 
>> been trawling through log files that quite frankly don't make much sense to 
>> me.
>> Here is the messages output from the OSS
>> ##############################
>> Jul  6 14:57:11 helium kernel: Lustre: AC3-OST0005: haven't heard from 
>> client ce1a3eb7-8514-d16e-4050-0507e82f1116 (at 172.16.16....@tcp) in 227 
>> seconds. I think it's dead, and I am evicting it.
> There is a bug in lustre 1.8.2 and 1.8.3 that makes the ptlrpcd get
> stuck for long periods of time (around 10 minutes was the longest that I
> saw) on lustre clients under certain work loads.  If the ptlrpcd is
> dead, the client may stop sending all RPCs to the servers, and the
> servers evict the client because they haven't heard from it in a while.
> See bug 22897 for a description of the bug.  But the fix is a simple
> one-liner in bug 22786, attachment 29866.  The fix will first appear in
> lustre 1.8.4.  I would highly recommend to anyone using 1.8.2 or 1.8.3
> that they add that patch.
> I don't know if that is the cause of your particular evictions, because
> there can be many causes of evictions.  But the "haven't hear from
> client ... in 227 seconds" was one of the symptoms, and the client
> failing with -107 (ENOTCONN) with multiple OSTs (and/or MDS, MGS...) at
> the same time was another symptom.
> Chris
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