On 07/09/2010 02:33 AM, Bernd Schubert wrote:
> You have to keep in mind that Gaussian is a Fortran application. Fortran has
> its own IO library and it would be quite possible that the library of some
> compilers can handle a short write, but the library of other compilers can
> not... In my university group we had to deal with quite some weird effects
> between fortran-IO implementations...
> David, did you use PGI or another compiler? Last time I had to deal with
> Gaussian only PGI was supported, but I have not checked for recent Gaussian
> versions.

Hi Bernd,

Gaussian uses C directly for all system interaction.  And we have confirmed
that the behaviour is not confined to the standard PGI build.

With regards to dodgy Fortran runtimes, yes, we believe the Intel lib can
(effectively) return a "zero written" EINTR to the application. I say
effectively because the only indication is an "interrupted system call" message
to stderr while doing IO.  There is no portable Fortran way to determine that
this is a recoverable EINTR return.

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