
We recently started using Lustre in production environment for a small
storage and we are currently testing speed and reliability. So far, everyone
is exited with it.
But here comes the problem. Is it possible to create another mount point on
the same server that is already running a MDS ?

For example:
  [mdsho...@tcp:/Projects ( current )
  [mdsho...@tcp:/NGS      ( new )

Actually, I've been able to create another partition on the MDS using (
--fsname=NGS ) and mount it, the OSSs seems to be running nicely too ( at
least no problems are reported on the log files ). But when I try to mount
NGS file system on the clients, the mount command freezes with no output on
the logs

mount -t lustre [mdsho...@tcp:/NGS /home/NGS/

The MDS logs:

Aug  4 08:32:02 pnq1 kernel: LustreError:
19304:0:(ldlm_lib.c:1848:target_send_reply_msg()) @@@ processing error
(-11)  r...@ffff810112097800 x1338817395530034/t0 o38-><?>@<?>:0/0 lens 368/0
e 0 to 0 dl 1280921622 ref 1 fl Interpret:/0/0 rc -11/0
Aug  4 08:32:24 pnq1 kernel: LustreError:
19304:0:(ldlm_lib.c:1848:target_send_reply_msg()) @@@ processing error
(-11)  r...@ffff810226542000 x1338817395530041/t0 o38-><?>@<?>:0/0 lens 368/0
e 0 to 0 dl 1280921644 ref 1 fl Interpret:/0/0 rc -11/0
Aug  4 08:32:24 pnq1 kernel: LustreError:
19304:0:(ldlm_lib.c:1848:target_send_reply_msg()) Skipped 1 previous similar
Aug  4 08:33:01 pnq1 kernel: LustreError:
19297:0:(ldlm_lib.c:1848:target_send_reply_msg()) @@@ processing error
(-11)  r...@ffff8101fc298c00 x1336109251604116/t0 o38-><?>@<?>:0/0 lens 368/0
e 0 to 0 dl 1280921681 ref 1 fl Interpret:/0/0 rc -11/0
Aug  4 08:33:01 pnq1 kernel: LustreError:
19297:0:(ldlm_lib.c:1848:target_send_reply_msg()) Skipped 4 previous similar
Aug  4 08:33:07 pnq1 kernel: Lustre: NGS-MDT0000: temporarily refusing
client connection from 192.168.10...@tcp

Do I have to change any config on the MDS to fix this issue? Or this
architecture is not supported by Lustre ?

Thanks in advice,
Fábio Navarro

Ludwig Insitute for Cancer Research LTDA
Laboratory of Computational Biology
245 João Julião St - 1th floor
CEP 01323-903 - Sao Paulo - Brazil
Phone: 55 11 33883232
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