The server is running
build:  2.5.59-g47cde80-CHANGED-2.6.32-431.17.1.el6_lustre.netboot,

MDT is ldiskfs, OSTs are zfs.

The filesystem mounts on a client running

We're not able to create directories from the client as root or user..

As root, it gives this message:
mkdir: cannot create directory `test2': Unknown error 524

As a user, we're able to create files at the top level, but no directories:
[kar@kollman2 kar]$ touch test2
[kar@kollman2 kar]$ mkdir test3
mkdir: cannot create directory `test3': Operation not permitted

Filesystem             Inodes IUsed    IFree IUse% Mounted on
                     39049920   273 39049647    1% /iconfs

There were no errors during the kernel or lustre builds.
Any ideas what the problem might be?

Thanks in advance,
-Anjana Kar
 Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
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