On our debian we built 2.4.x like so:

sh autogen.sh

./configure --disable-modules --disable-server --enable-client
The kernel module already ships with 3.11 iirc, though I don't know what
the lustre version compatibility is of 3.11, we use a self built 3.14
kernel and will probably switch to 3.16 in a few weeks.

On our MDS/ODS we use CentOS 6 with lustre rpms (and OFED).


On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 6:43 PM, Anjana Kar <k...@psc.edu> wrote:

> Hi,
> Has anyone succeeded in building lustre 2.5 client on an Ubuntu system.
> After a "configure --disable-server", the make starts, but fails rather
> quickly
> with these errors....
> lustre-release.2.5/libcfs/include/libcfs/linux/linux-prim.h:100:1: error:
> unknown type name ‘read_proc_t’
>  typedef read_proc_t                     cfs_read_proc_t;
> lustre-release.2.5/libcfs/include/libcfs/linux/linux-prim.h:101:1: error:
> unknown type name ‘write_proc_t’
>  typedef write_proc_t                    cfs_write_proc_t;
>  ^
> .......
> lustre-release.2.5/libcfs/libcfs/linux/linux-tracefile.o] Error 1
> Thanks for any pointers.
> -Anjana Kar
>  Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
>  k...@psc.edu
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