On Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 11:09 AM Scott Wood <woodystr...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Big upgrade process in the works and I had some questions.  Our current
> infrastructure has 5 HA pairs of OSSs and arrays with an HA pair of
> management and metadata servers who also share an array, all running lustre
> 2.10.3.  Pretty standard stuff.  Our upgrade plan is as follows:
> 1) Deploy a new HA pair of OSSs with arrays populated with OSTs that are
> twice the size of our originals.
> 2) Follow the process in section 14.9 of the lustre docs to drain all OSTs
> in one of existing the HA pairs' arrays
> 3) Repopulate the first old pair of deactivated and drained arrays with
> new larger drives
> 4) Upgrade the offline OSSs from 2.10.3 to 2.10.latest?
> 5) Return them to service
> 6) Repeat steps 2-4 for the other 4 old HA pairs of OSSs and OSTs
> I'd expect this would be doable without downtime as we'd only be taking
> arrays offline that have no objects on them, and we've added new arrays and
> OSSs before with no issues.  I have a few questions before we begin the
> process:
> 1) My interpretation of the docs is that  we OK to install them with
> 2.10.6 (or 2.10.7, if it's out), as rolling upgrades withing X.Y are
> supported.  Is that correct?

In theory, rolling upgrade should work, but generally recommended upgrade
procedure is to stop filesystem and unmount all MDS and OSS, upgrade
package and bring them up. This will prevent human errors during repeated
per-server upgrade.
When it is done correctly, It will take not more than 2 hours.

> 2) Until the whole process is complete, we'll have imbalanced OSTs.  I
> know that's not ideal, but is it all that big an issue

Rolling upgrade will cause imbalance, but after long run, the files will be
assigned will be evenly distributed. No need to worry about it on one-shot
upgrade scenario.

> 3) When draining the OSTs of files, section 14.9.3, point 2.a. states that
> the lfs find |lfs migrate can take multiple OSTs as args, but I thought it
> would be better to run one instance of that per OST and distribute them
> across multiple clients .  Is that reasonable (and faster)?

Parallel redistribute is generally faster than one-by-one. If the MDT can
endure scanning load, run multiple migrate processes each for against one

> 4) When the drives are replaced with bigger ones, can the original OST
> configuration files be restored to them as described in Docs section
> 14.9.5, or due the the size mismatch, will that be bad?

Since this process will treat objects as files, the configurations should
go as same.

> 5) What questions should I be asking that I haven't thought of?

I do not know the size of OSTs to deal with, but I think
migrate(empty)-replace-migrate-replace is really painful process as it will
take long time. If circumtances allow, I suggest add all new OST arrays to
OSS with new OST nums, migrate OST objects, deactivate and remove old

> If that all goes well, and we did upgrade the OSSs to a newer 2.10.x, we'd
> follow it up with a migration of the MGT and MDT to one of the management
> servers, upgrade the other, fail them back, upgrade the second, and
> rebalance the MDT and MGT services back across the two.  We'd expect the
> usual pause in services as those migrate but other than that, fingers
> crossed, should all be good.  Are we missing anything?
If this plan is forced, rolling migrate and upgrade should be planned
carefully. It will be better to set up correct procedure checklist by
practicing on a virtual environment with identical versions.

> Cheers
> Scott
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