Hi Team,

Starting with topology and configurations:



[HA1]< -----[N3]----- >[N4]

     |                |               |

     |                |              |


[N1,N2] = HA1  --> OSTs

 N3 --- > MGS

 N4 --- > MDT

N1 -> 3 Logical volumes [OST1,OST2,OST3]

N2 -> 3 Logical volumes [OST4,OST5,OST6]

N3 -> 1 Logical volume  [MGT1]

N4 -> 1 Logical volume  [MDT1]


N3 [MGS]

Created Zpool, formatted and Mounted it.

zpool create -f -O canmount=off -o multihost=on -o cachefile=none lustre

mkfs.lustre --reformat --mgs --backfstype=zfs lustre/mgs01

mount.lustre lustre/mgs01 /mnt/mgs/


N4 [MDT]

Created Zpool, formatted and Mounted it.

zpool create -f -O canmount=off -o multihost=on -o cachefile=none lustre

mkfs.lustre  --reformat --mdt --fsname=lustre --index=0
--mgsnode= --backfstype=zfs lustre/mdt01

mount.lustre lustre/mdt01 /mnt/mdt


HA1 [HA-LVM system]

*N1 [OST1,OST2,OST3]*

Created Zpool, formatted and Mounted it.

zpool create lustre -f -O canmount=off -o multihost=on -o cachefile=none
/dev/vg_e/thinvolume1 /dev/vg_e/thinvolume2 /dev/vg_e/thinvolume3

mkfs.lustre  --reformat --ost --backfstype=zfs --fsname=lustre --index=111
--mgsnode= --servicenode=
lustre/ost01  ; mount.lustre lustre/ost01

mkfs.lustre  --reformat --ost --backfstype=zfs --fsname=lustre --index=222
--mgsnode= --servicenode=
lustre/ost02  ; mount.lustre lustre/ost02 /mnt/ost02/

mkfs.lustre  --reformat --ost --backfstype=zfs --fsname=lustre --index=333
--mgsnode= --servicenode=
lustre/ost03  ; mount.lustre lustre/ost03 /mnt/ost03/

df -h | grep lustre

lustre/ost01    287G  3.0M  287G   1% /mnt/ost01

lustre/ost02    287G  3.0M  287G   1% /mnt/ost02

lustre/ost03    287G  3.0M  287G   1% /mnt/ost03

*N2 [OST4,OST5,OST6]*

Created Zpool, formatted and Mounted it.

zpool create -f -O canmount=off -o multihost=on -o cachefile=none lustre
/dev/vg_p/thinvolume1 /dev/vg_p/thinvolume2 /dev/vg_p/thinvolume3

mkfs.lustre  --reformat --ost --backfstype=zfs --fsname=lustre --index=444
--mgsnode= --servicenode=
lustre/ost04 ; mount.lustre lustre/ost04

mkfs.lustre  --reformat --ost --backfstype=zfs --fsname=lustre --index=555
--mgsnode= --servicenode=
lustre/ost05 ; mount.lustre lustre/ost05 /mnt/ost05

mkfs.lustre  --reformat --ost --backfstype=zfs --fsname=lustre --index=666
--mgsnode= --servicenode=
lustre/ost06 ; mount.lustre lustre/ost06 /mnt/ost06

df -h | grep lustre

lustre/ost04    287G  3.0M  287G   1% /mnt/ost04

lustre/ost05    287G  3.0M  287G   1% /mnt/ost05

lustre/ost06    287G  3.0M  287G   1% /mnt/ost06

*Created PCS cluster over HA1. *

Resource Group: electron

     vg_e       (ocf::heartbeat:LVM):   Started gp-electron

     zfs-pool-electron  (ocf::heartbeat:ZFS):   Started electron

     lustre-ost1        (ocf::heartbeat:Lustre):        Started electron

     lustre-ost2        (ocf::heartbeat:Lustre):        Started electron

     lustre-ost3        (ocf::heartbeat:Lustre):        Started electron

 Resource Group: proton

     vg_p       (ocf::heartbeat:LVM):   Started gp-proton

     zfs-pool-proton    (ocf::heartbeat:ZFS):   Started proton

     lustre-ost4        (ocf::heartbeat:Lustre):        Started proton

     lustre-ost5        (ocf::heartbeat:Lustre):        Started proton

     lustre-ost6        (ocf::heartbeat:Lustre):        Started proton



# mount | grep lustre on /lustre type lustre (rw,lazystatfs)

#lfs osts


1: lustre-OST0001_UUID INACTIVE

2: lustre-OST0002_UUID INACTIVE

3: lustre-OST0003_UUID INACTIVE

4: lustre-OST0004_UUID INACTIVE

5: lustre-OST0005_UUID INACTIVE

6: lustre-OST0006_UUID INACTIVE

10: lustre-OST000a_UUID INACTIVE

11: lustre-OST000b_UUID INACTIVE

20: lustre-OST0014_UUID INACTIVE

22: lustre-OST0016_UUID INACTIVE

30: lustre-OST001e_UUID INACTIVE

33: lustre-OST0021_UUID INACTIVE

40: lustre-OST0028_UUID INACTIVE

44: lustre-OST002c_UUID INACTIVE

50: lustre-OST0032_UUID INACTIVE

55: lustre-OST0037_UUID INACTIVE

60: lustre-OST003c_UUID INACTIVE

66: lustre-OST0042_UUID INACTIVE

111: lustre-OST006f_UUID ACTIVE

222: lustre-OST00de_UUID ACTIVE

333: lustre-OST014d_UUID ACTIVE

444: lustre-OST01bc_UUID ACTIVE

555: lustre-OST022b_UUID ACTIVE

666: lustre-OST029a_UUID ACTIVE

# lfs mdts


0: lustre-MDT0000_UUID ACTIVE

OSTs are part of active-passive HA-LVM cluster. As per configuration, in
case of resource failure, RA moves the resource to other node. It’s working

Issues seen:

   1. OST00* are going to INACTIVE state if the corresponding disk in
   unmounted from the OST server, it never becomes active even-though if it
   mounted again. Had to format every time with –index to get the volumes
   listed again. Hence, so many inactive nodes in the ‘lctl dl’ output.
   2. Recovery_status at N4[MDT] is always inactive. How to enable
   recovery, in case of failure.
   3. How to re-activate the INACTIVE objects at OSTs?
   4. In case of failover of HA resource services gets moved to other peer,
   but IOs, iozone or dd, never resumes.

Please advise.

PS: lctl 2.12.2

Thanks in advance.

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