Does anyone on this list have experience running lustre clients on Virtual 
Guests running in a QEMU/KVM environment (using CentOS 7)?
The desired configuration for the base host is Mellanox Connect-X 5 for 100GB 
Ethernet, but the KVM Guests are running over a Bridged Ethernet using the 
virtio from KVM.

The device shows on the Virtual Guest as eth0, and we have not been successful 
enabling RDMA over this Linux Ethernet Bridge device so far.

Other KVM networking options for this network device displayed in virt-manager 
are "e1000", "rtl8139" and "Hypervisor default" instead of "virtio".

Another possibility could be to use an LNET router to allow these Virtual 
Guests to talk to a Lustre server over the TCP driver.

Servers: CentOS 7.6, Lustre 2.12.1, ZFS devices
Clients: CentOS 7.6, Lustre 2.12.2

Error messages displayed include:

# lnetctl add --net o2ib --if eth0
      errno: -100
      descr: "cannot add network: Network is down"
# lnetctl net show
   - net type: lo
     local NI(s):
         - nid: 0@lo
          status: up

and nothing else.

Thanks in advance for any helpful recommendations.

-Jim Ault, HPC Future Studies, Naval Nuclear Laboratory
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