We're running 2.13.0 server on Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 with 4.15 kernel in
our test setup. Has been working without any real problems for a couple
of weeks. But it is a small test setup so...

For clients we have 2.10.7 from DDN on our production Ubuntu Xenial
systems (with HWE kernel so 4.15)

On 2/6/20 3:50 PM, Thomas Roth wrote:
> Hi Matthias,
> last time we tried this (Debian Wheezy + Lustre 2.5) we had to use the
> Redhat kernel _in_ Debian.
> However, nowadays there is the patchless-ldiskfs-server, and of course
> the server based on ZFS, both of which would require only to compile the
> proper modules.
> My guess is that you have better chances with the newer Lustre versions...
> Regards
> Thomas
> On 05.02.20 11:50, Matthias Krawutschke wrote:
>> Hello everybody,
>> I am new here on this platform and I have a question about LUSTRE –
>> Installation on DEBIAN 10.x ….. 😊
>> It is possible to install this on this LINUX – Version & if yes: which
>> version of LUSTRE does it work and how?
>> Best regards….
>> Matthias Krawutschke, Dipl. Inf.
>> Universität Potsdam
>> ZIM - Zentrum für Informationstechnologie und Medienmanagement
>> Team High-Performance-Computing
>> Campus Am Neuen Palais: Am Neuen Palais 10 | 14469 Potsdam
>> Tel: +49 331 977-4444, Fax: +49 331 977-1750
>> Internet: 
>> <https://www.uni-potsdam.de/de/zim/angebote-loesungen/hpc.html>
>> https://www.uni-potsdam.de/de/zim/angebote-loesungen/hpc.html
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