would you be able to put this in the form of a patch against 
lustre/scripts/systemd/lnet.service so that this is working
well for everyone.  You could use LU-9673 for this.

> On Jul 16, 2020, at 2:34 PM, Mohr Jr, Richard Frank <rm...@utk.edu> wrote:
>> On Jul 16, 2020, at 2:46 PM, Christopher Benjamin Coffey 
>> <chris.cof...@nau.edu> wrote:
>> I'm trying to get lustre , and rdma setup on an el8 system. I can't get 
>> systemd to get the two services: lnet, and rdma shutdown correctly without 
>> hanging the system. I've tried many things in the rdma.service, and 
>> lnet.service files to get them to work correctly but still the issue exists. 
>> Here are my service files below. Anyone know how to fix this?
> Yup, ran into the same thing.  See suggestion below.
>> ---------
>> [Unit]
>> Description=lnet management
>> Requires=network-online.target
>> After=network-online.target rdma.service
>> Wants=rdma.service
>> ConditionPathExists=!/proc/sys/lnet/
>> [Service]
>> Type=oneshot
>> RemainAfterExit=true
>> ExecStart=/sbin/modprobe lnet
>> ExecStart=/usr/sbin/lnetctl lnet configure
>> ExecStart=/usr/sbin/lnetctl import /etc/lnet.conf
>> ExecStop=/usr/sbin/lnetctl lnet unconfigure
>> ExecStop=/usr/sbin/lustre_rmmod
>> TimeoutStopSec=30
>> [Install]
>> WantedBy=multi-user.target
> Try  adding “BindsTo=rdma.service” to the lnet service file.  This should 
> force the lnet service to be stopped if the rdma service is ever stopped.
> —
> Rick Mohr
> Senior HPC System Administrator
> Joint Institute for Computational Sciences
> University of Tennessee
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Cheers, Andreas

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