Dear Serg,

Many years ago when I was using Lustre-1.8.X, I used to suffer the
same nightmare as you now. The following procedure saved me. But
I am not sure whether it works to you or not.

1. umount all the clients, umount OST.

2. mount OST as ldiskfs:

        mount -t ldiskfs /dev/<OST_device> /mnt

3. Run the command:

   ll_recover_lost_found_objs -d <lost+found_dir>

At that event it restored about 70% of data back.

In case that you want to remove the files which were lost in OST, but
unfortunately using "rm -f <filename>" does not work:

1. Record the full paths of the files which you want to remove.

2. umount all client, OST, and MDT.

3. Mount MDT as ldiskfs:

        mount -t ldiskfs /dev/<MDT_device> /mnt

4. Go to /mnt/ROOT/. You will find the completed directory tree of
   your Lustre file system, but without the file contents. You can
   remove the files you want from here.



On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 01:09:07PM +0300, Sergey Zhumatiy wrote:
>   Hello!
>   Please, help to resolve... One ost on my lustre installation has been
> failed. It lost all fs metadatam so I couldn't mount it as lustre
> filesystem. I've checked it by e2fsck and all data was moved into lost+found
> folder. Then I moved this folder to another storage, re-created this ost
> (with old target index), then put back lost+found folder.
>   After mount this ost lustre, I've started lfsck on mds. In several hours I
> disabled this ost, because no client can work. Then lustre become heathy,
> and I started lfs_migrate from this ost.
>   But it seems, that data was not restored by lfsck and lfs_migrate moved a
> few of files and the rest is 'endpoint not connected'.
>   How can I restore some data and delete unrecoverable data?
> -- 
>   With respect
>                                                    Serg.
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