Two CentOS 7.9 hosts with kernel 3.10.0-1160.21.1.el7.x86_64, using ZFS 0.8.5 with lustre 2.12.6. One system works perfectly, whereas the second host fails to mount the OST, with this message from the mount:

mount.lustre: mount fs1/ost1 at /mnt/fs1/ost1 failed: Invalid argument

and this confusing message in the log:

Apr 25 08:56:18 fs1 kernel: LustreError: 
        This is client-side-only module, cannot handle server mount.

Can someone please point me to the error? BTW, the two systems were both kickstarted from the same repo, so as far as I can tell, they are identical. The lustre RPMs were installed from the server repo.


Steve Thompson                 E-mail:      smt AT vgersoft DOT com
Voyager Software LLC           Web:         http://www DOT vgersoft DOT com
3901 N Charles St              VSW Support: support AT vgersoft DOT com
Baltimore MD 21218
  "186,282 miles per second: it's not just a good idea, it's the law"
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