
I am relatively new to Lustre. I have a running Lustre setup and  would like to 
ensure that there is no cross-numa traffic going on in the server side.

Each Lustre OSS has the following:

  *   Dual socket AMD CPUs
  *   4 NUMA regions (2 NUMA going to each socket)
  *   2x Mellanox NIC (one for each CPU socket).
  *   16x NVMe drives (8 for each CPU socket).

The way I currently have it set up:

  *   Each group of 8 NVMe on the same socket, I created a RAID0 group. Each 
RAID0 group is an OST.
  *   In the LNET configuration, each NIC is assigned to the corresponding CPT. 
We are using RDMA over Ethernet.
     *   o2ib0(ens3f0np0)[0,1], o2ib1(ens7f0np0)[2,3]

According to the documentation, messages coming to the OSS will have the 
corresponding CPT/NUMA cores that match the NIC handle the incoming traffic. 
However when accessing the OST themselves I did not find any tuning to bind a 
specific OST to CPU cores.

I did see an option called “options ksocklnd enable_irq_affinity=0” but it 
appears it is only for the ethernet driver and not RDMA.

Is there  a way to limit each OST’s read/write threads to a specific set of CPU 

Thank you,

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