You can check here:

Which has detailed solutions I found.



On Tue, Jul 11, 2023 at 11:38 AM Jon Marshall via lustre-discuss <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm having a bit of a nightmare trying to build server packages for 2.15.1
> - I feel like I've tried quite a few different approaches and am getting
> stumped, it is most likely that I am missing something incredibly obvious
> so I'd appreciate any pointers. I'd like to point out that I am by no means
> an expert in any of this though I have had about 4 years maintaining
> various Lustre builds - I am hugely grateful for all the work you guys do
> on Lustre, and I hope I don't come across as anything other than frustrated
> by my inability to get this version to install!
> To start, we are running Rocky 8.6, with the 4.18.0-372.9.1.el8 kernel.
> Initially, as with previous Lustre builds I've done, I've installed the
> Whamcloud provided el8_lustre kernel, along with headers, then installed
> the Mellanox OFED stack from their repos, making sure to use the version
> that appears to be being used for 2.15.1 builds (in this case 5.6- -
> incidentally I can't find the specific OFEDs used in any compatibility
> matrices or changelogs, where this information used to be provided, so I've
> back formulated from the Whamcloud repos).
> In the past, I've then simply yum/dnf installed the lustre server
> packages. With this release however, I immediately run in to "Nothing
> provides _ksym" errors, all of which appear to be for ZFS symbols. A quick
> check on the Whamcloud Jira throws up this
> <> issue, which is marked
> closed but references this <> issue,
> which says that the issue is fixed but not for 2.15.1, instead for 2.15.2.
> I'm intending to build these servers with kickstart and puppet, and I'd
> much rather use the official repos rather than compile it myself but this
> is not a hard requirement. A quick check on the Whamcloud repos and it
> appears that 2.15.2 only supports 8.7, rather than 8.6. This is a bit of a
> problem as I'd like to keep the same kernel version as the rest of the
> machines we're running where possible, but again, not a hard requirement. I
> spun up a new build for 8.7 on the same hardware, updated the Mellanox
> repos to point to the new correct version and immediately got _ksym errors
> but now it appears they're for the OFEDs instead.
> In the meantime, I've seen an email in the mailing list suggesting that
> the symbols are in fact provided by the package kmod-zfs, which is not
> provided by the OpenZFS repos, but that can be built manually, so I thought
> I'd have another crack at getting 2.15.1 working. I download the tar, built
> ZFS and installed the resulting rpms, making sure to install devel and
> debugsource and debuginfo. I attempted to build lustre against this and it
> all appears to go ok - I get some rpms out! However, installing them
> results in the exact same ksym errors. The thing is the ksyms appear to be
> present by name in /proc/kallsyms, just not matching exactly.
> The main point I guess is that LU-16059 appears to have been closed
> erroneously, as on a fresh install the issue is 100% reproducible. I also
> note that the packages hosted here
> <>
>  have
> timestamps from 2022-08-10 but the issue was created and closed after this.
> I'm happy to re-open the bug and provide as much detail as necessary but
> thought I'd check to see if anyone else has experienced this issue or if I
> am indeed missing something trivial.
> Thanks in advance
> Jon
> Jon Marshall
> High Performance Computing Specialist
> *IT and Scientific Computing Team*
> Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute
> Li Ka Shing Centre | Robinson Way | Cambridge | CB2 0RE
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