The preferred path to set up Lustre depends on what you are planning to do with 
it?  If for regular usage it is easiest to start with RPMs built for the distro 
 (you can also use the server RPMs for a client if you want).

The various "client" packages for RHEL, SLES, Ubuntu can install directly on 
the vendor kernels, but the provided server RPMs also need the matching kernel. 
 You only need one of the ldiskfs (ext4) or ZFS packages, not both.

It isn't *necessary* to build/patch your kernel for the server, though the 
pre-built server download packages have patched the kernel to add integrated 
T10-PI support (which many users do not need).  You can get unpatched el8 
server RPMs directly from the builders:

If you plan to run on non-standard kernels, then you can build RPMs for your 
particular kernel. The easiest way is to just rebuild the SPRM package:

If you want to do Lustre development you should learn how to build from a Git 

Cheers, Andreas

On Sep 12, 2023, at 03:25, Cyberxstudio cxs via lustre-discuss 
<lustre-discuss@lists.lustre.org> wrote:

Hi, I am setting up a lab environment for lustre. I have 3 VMs of RHEL 8.8, I 
have studied the documentation but it does not provide detail for el 8 rather 
el 7. Please guide me how to start
Thank You
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