We have a lustre filesystem that we just upgraded to 2.15.3, however this 
problem has been going on for some time.

The quota command shows this:

Disk quotas for grp somegroup (gid 9544):
     Filesystem    used   quota   limit   grace   files   quota   limit   grace
       /lustre1  13.38T     40T     45T       - 3136761* 2621440 3670016 expired

The group is not using nearly that many files. We have robinhood installed and 
it show this:

Using config file '/etc/robinhood.d/lustre1.conf'.
     group,     type,      count,     volume,   spc_used,   avg_size
somegroup,   symlink,      59071,    5.12 MB,  103.16 MB,         91
somegroup,       dir,     426619,    5.24 GB,    5.24 GB,   12.87 KB
somegroup,      file,    1310414,   16.24 TB,   13.37 TB,   13.00 MB

Total: 1796104 entries, volume: 17866508365925 bytes (16.25 TB), space used: 
14704924899840 bytes (13.37 TB)

Any ideas what is wrong here?

Dan Szkola
lustre-discuss mailing list

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