I was asking this on the Slack channel but as I was typing it
looks too complicated for chat, so here:

Lustre 2.15.2, EL8, MGT, MDT and OSTs on ZFS.

I am trying to copy the MGT and the MDT to larger zpools, so I
created them on another server, and used 'zfs send' to copy them
while the Lustre instance was frozen (for the last incremental).

The I have put the new zpool drives in the old server with same
NID, and I following the "Operations Manual" here:

"Remove old OI and LFSCK files.[oss]# rm -rf oi.16* lfsck_* LFSCK
Remove old CATALOGS. [oss]# rm -f CATALOGS"

But I am getting a lot of error when removing "oi.16*", of the
"directory not empty" sort. For example "cannot remove
'oi.16/0x200011b90:0xabe1:0x0': Directory not empty"

Please suggest some options.
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