This doesn't answer your question about ldiskfs on zvols, but we've been running MDTs on ZFS on NVMe in production for a couple years (and on SAS SSDs for many years prior). Our current production MDTs using NVMe consist of one zpool/node made up of 3x 2-drive mirrors, but we've been experimenting lately with using raidz3 and possibly even raidz2 for MDTs since SSDs have been pretty reliable for us.


On 1/5/24 9:07 AM, Vicker, Darby J. (JSC-EG111)[Jacobs Technology, Inc.] via lustre-discuss wrote:
We are in the process of retiring two long standing LFS's (about 8 years old), 
which we built and managed ourselves.  Both use ZFS and have the MDT'S on ssd's 
in a JBOD that require the kind of software-based management you describe, in 
our case ZFS pools built on multipath devices.  The MDT in one is ZFS and the 
MDT in the other LFS is ldiskfs but uses ZFS and a zvol as you describe - we 
build the ldiskfs MDT on top of the zvol.  Generally, this has worked well for 
us, with one big caveat.  If you look for my posts to this list and the ZFS 
list you'll find more details.  The short version is that we utilize ZFS 
snapshots and clones to do backups of the metadata.  We've run into situations 
where the backup process stalls, leaving a clone hanging around.  We've 
experienced a situation a couple of times where the clone and the primary zvol 
get swapped, effectively rolling back our metadata to the point when the clone 
was created.  I have tried, unsuccessfully, to recreate that in a test 
environment.  So if you do that kind of setup, make sure you have good 
monitoring in place to detect if your backups/clones stall.  We've kept up with 
lustre and ZFS updates over the years and are currently on lustre 2.14 and ZFS 
2.1.  We've seen the gap between our ZFS MDT and ldiskfs performance shrink to 
the point where they are pretty much on par to each now.  I think our ZFS MDT 
performance could be better with more hardware and software tuning but our 
small team hasn't had the bandwidth to tackle that.

Our newest LFS is vendor provided and uses NVMe MDT's.  I'm not at liberty to 
talk about the proprietary way those devices are managed.  However, the 
metadata performance is SO much better than our older LFS's, for a lot of 
reasons, but I'd highly recommend NVMe's for your MDT's.

-----Original Message-----
From: lustre-discuss < 
<>> on behalf of Thomas Roth via lustre-discuss 
< <>>
Reply-To: Thomas Roth < <>>
Date: Friday, January 5, 2024 at 9:03 AM
To: Lustre Diskussionsliste < 
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [BULK] [lustre-discuss] MDS hardware - NVME?

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Dear all,

considering NVME storage for the next MDS.

As I understand, NVME disks are bundled in software, not by a hardware raid 
This would be done using Linux software raid, mdadm, correct?

We have some experience with ZFS, which we use on our OSTs.
But I would like to stick to ldiskfs for the MDTs, and a zpool with a zvol on 
top which is then formatted with ldiskfs - to much voodoo...

How is this handled elsewhere? Any experiences?

The available devices are quite large. If I create a raid-10 out of 4 disks, 
e.g. 7 TB each, my MDT will be 14 TB - already close to the 16 TB limit.
So no need for a box with lots of U.3 slots.

But for MDS operations, we will still need a powerful dual-CPU system with lots 
of RAM.
Then the NVME devices should be distributed between the CPUs?
Is there a way to pinpoint this in a call for tender?

Best regards,

Thomas Roth

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