For those in or near the Richmond, VA area (or if you're traveling here) 
this may be of particular interest to you. This is a lecture being given at 
Agecroft Hall, a Tudor manor brought over from England in 1925 and rebuilt 
in Richmond. The url for the website is;

If you've never been to Agecroft you don't know what you're missing (unless 
you live in England, and then of course you do <G>).



Lutes, Flutes and Viols: Music from the Time of Shakespeare
Wednesday, December 3 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

In Queen Elizabeth's day, music was enjoyed by all levels of society. 
However, while families like the Daunteseys at Agecroft may have enjoyed 
playing such expensive instruments as the clavisathyrium or lute, poorer 
families would be lucky to have inherited an old hurdy gurdy! Join Susan 
Robinson in exploring just what in the world these instruments were - what 
they looked like and what they sounded like - in this slide-illustrated 
lecture, to feature recordings of period music. A brief look at the great 
rooms of Agecroft Hall and the instruments on display will follow, 
concluding with lunch in the lecture hall.

Admission: $15 per person, includes lunch; group discounts available. 
Advance paid registration is required by Monday, December 1. Reservations 
are non-refundable. 

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