
this is one of the most beautifull chords in renaissance lute music!
And - BTW - it HAS to be a chord which sounds a bit out of place
given the progression of the music. 
I well remember the discussion we had about "the chord" several years
ago as Rob still pleeded for "Lutars for an independant scotland" :-)

Best wishes

[EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 07.10.2003:
>Ok Caroline, this is all your fault. Since you mentioned the
>Gypsie's Lilt 
>I decided to see if I had a copy and in fact I have two, one by Ronn 
>McFarlane and one by Robert Phillips. Both versions contain the most 
>hideous chord I've ever heard.
>  d
>  b
>  a
>  d
>I checked this against the standard notation in the guitar book that 
>accompanies Ronn's Scottish lute book and sure enough it's just as
>on the piano. Worse in fact. So ok, this must have been what was
>and since it occurs several times throughout the piece it must be 
>deliberate. But I've heard out of tune bagpipes that sounded better.
>If that doesn't curse that manky Scots git (to quote Monty Python) I
>know what will. ;)

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