On Saturday, October 11, 2003, at 05:11 AM, Jon Murphy wrote:

> David,
> I can't doubt your interest in the medieval and renaissance lute, it is
> obvious. But I question your interest in music as such.

Now what on earth do you mean by that?  You disagree with something I 
said, and that causes you to question my interest in music?  Believe 
me, I'm very interested in music.  ;-)

> Bluegrass I know well, and have
> a TV recorded video of Chet Perkins final performance, where Mark 
> Knopf of
> rock guitar plays a real guitar behind him.

If you're referring to Chet Atkins and Mark Knoffler...   Bluegrass?  
You're joking!

> I totally disagree with your premise. The form of the instrument may 
> drive
> the way it is played, but the music drives the player.

I'm sorry to sound so obtuse, Jon, but I'm not aware of operating on 
any one particular premise.

>  I find the thrust of
> the messages on this list to be rather narrow in the conception of 
> music

Well, I guess our "interest in music" is just as valid as anyone 
else's, Jon.  Bear in mind that being focussed on a particular area of 
interest and study, and being narrow-minded, are not the same thing.

David Rastall

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