At 04:23 PM 10/12/2003 -0500, BobClair or EkkoJennings 

>despite 30 years of experience with computers and 50 years experience 
>speaking English, I find
>myself unable to parse the following phrase:
> > Polyhymnion is a stupid pretension to a simple Internet function

Why don't you take a look at the page in question:

As far as I can tell, it is, at best, a list of links to pages by people 
who are approved by Roman Turovsky as having an acceptable level of 
intelligence, culture, philosophical this or that, or qualify to his world 
view of himself as an elitist super hero of culture. In short, a list of 
Roman Turovsky's own list of sycophants.

There is nothing particularly unusual for a list like that, and there are 
virtually thousands like it on the Internet. What I find obnoxious, and a 
discharge of hot air, is the pretension, enunciated by RT several times in 
this group and elsewhere, that being listed on that page somehow relegates 
the listee to a special status of excellence.

I would posit that whatever excellence any one of those listed has is 
entirely independent of the fact that they are listed by Roman Turovsky.

 >  a "simple Internet function" remains a mystery,

Nothing as complicated as your extensive parsing would show.  I have only 
19 years of experience with computers, mainly as a user, and only 48 years 
experience with the English language, my third language. If my statement 
was not clear, I hope the above commentary would satisfy your curiosity.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
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