I found two different CNRS editions at abebooks.com just by entering    
   Corpus des Luthistes

D'Adrian Le Roy (Jean-Michel Vaccaro, transcription) 
  Sixiesme Livre De Luth (1559) (Corpus Des Luthistes Francais) 
  Paris: Editions du CNRS, 1978. 

Vieux Gautier (Andre Souris, transcription) 
  Oeuvres Du Vieux Gautier (Corpus Des Luthistes Francais) 
  Paris: Editions du CNRS, 1966. 


Date sent:              Thu, 16 Oct 2003 09:20:56 +0100
To:                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From:                   "Martin Shepherd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                CNRS

> Dear All,
> It always happens, doesn't it?  You don't buy a book because it's not
> central to your interests, then years later you get interested in it and
> find it is out of print.
> That's the sorry state I find myself in with respect to CNRS Corpus des
> Luthistes.  I have Mesangeau and Le Roy's Instructions, and nothing
> else.  Now I want Gaultier, Dufault, Dubut, etc., etc.  While I'm at it
> I'd like de Rippe as well...
> I have much of this material in facsimile, so my interest is often in
> lists of concordances (and doubtless the old CNRS ones are out of date).
> Can anyone offer any help?  If anyone has old CNRS volumes they're
> willing to sell, I would be interested.  If anyone can point me to
> useful sources of concordances, that would good too.  If anyone can tell
> me that CNRS are just about to reissue updated versions of all these
> books, my gast  (du Gast? sorry) would be completely flabbered.
> Best wishes,
> Martin

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