At 12:39 AM -0500 11/13/03, Jon Murphy wrote:
>There is a category of sounds called "Lady Mondegreens", defined by the
>American linguist (and also political commentator under his other hat)
>William Safire. "They have killed the Earl of Murray, and laid him on the
>green". Another in that group is "Gladly the cross-eyed bear" (Gladly the
>Cross I'd bear). There are many more, but I'll leave them to you all.
>And I do resent that I can no longer call myself a gay bachelor without
>implying something I'm not. My late mother had one, her own childhood
>sounding - "Our father who art in heaven, Harold be thy name".
>Best, Jon

Apocryphal Lord's Prayer verses include "who aren't in Heaven", "give 
us this day our jelly bread", "lead us not into Penn Station" (or 
"lead us snot"), "but deliver us from "eagles/weevils" etc.

Ed Margerum

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