Greetings Friends!

Since it's pretty much the start of the winter holidays in the
Americas and ,if I remember correctly, Europe, I thought I would
extend warm wishes to all of you in hopes that you have a pleasant,
peaceful, and above all, a musical holiday season!

Unfortunately ( for me ), I may be off list for quite some time, since
due to the economy, I'm unemployed and out of money after this month.
At some point in the near future, there will be no internet access
because there will be no connection, no power, and no home for the

I hope that this will be of short duration because oddly enough, I'll
miss you all. I've been on this list a long time and while I may have
disagreed with some of you at times, I've always valued the
information I've gained here and the helping hands you've always

So, for a while I'm still on and who knows? Maybe a job will turn up
in the next few weeks and I'll feel remarkably silly for even typing
this message. But, I figured I'd better say "Goodbye" in advance. 

However, feeling disturbingly optimistic this morning, I'll leave you
with the immortal words of the new governor of California ( in his
previous incarnation as a film star):

"I'll be back"


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