At 09:56 PM 12/2/2003 -0600, Michael Thames <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Relax Montana,

That can work both ways, distorting people's names intentionally. But I 
will resist the urge to engage in this juvenile silliness.

>    I see you have quite alot of baggage with this issue, to go after me with
>your well known guile, and considering remarks.  You truly take the prize
>for vileness, your reputation precedes you.

Glad you noticed.

>        Again, glad to be the scapegoat for you Publishing kind of guys, but
>as you say this is getting old, isn't it.
>        If I were your mother I'd take you over my knee and give a good
>whacking!   But since this is your only source of income I'll forgive you!

That's bullshit number one. Publishing is not my source of income at all. 
It is only the source of my _losses_ over the years. If had to live the way 
I do from music publishing, this business would have gone down the drain 
decades ago. Do check my biography more carefully.

>       Lets put all exchanges of pleasantries  aside, Please tell me the
>crime I'm guilty of, what have I done other than ask a few "uncomfortable "
>questions. I've already admitted I'm stupid, and you've pointed that out
>again just in case everyone forgot.
>        Is WANTING to post a facsimile a crime?

No it isn't a crime. And legalities have nothing to do with what Albert is 
talking about. Fairness is the issue. He invested a great deal of time and 
money in creating this book, and you publicly declare that you intend to 
rip him off. That was not a crime, but a stupid thing to do. Take example 
from your like-minded perps. There are quite a few of them around. Say 
nothing and do what you have to do. If what you did stinks, you'll have to 
live with it.

>            As I stated, I asked Albert's permission.

Wrong person to ask. He does not own the manuscript. He paid money for the 
permission to publish it, and this is exactly what you should do: apply to 
the library and ask for permission, and pay the fee. Then you do whatever 
you want to do. Albert even gave you the address and the name of the person 
to write to. So instead of sniffling about legalities, do what all of us 
are doing: get it DIRECTLY from the source.

>       But come to think of it, as of yet I haven't heard his answer.  Just
>between you and me Montana what do you think He'll say?

He already said it. Loud and clear.

>      Montana, if there are 50 or so editions of the Bach lute suites why are
>you uncomfortable with one more?

I am not uncomfortable at all. Even Albert clearly stated that he has 
nothing against your doing another edition. The only time I am 
uncomfortable with this, is when someone asks me to publish _his_ edition 
of the Lute Suites. I have rejected more than one such project in the past. 
You want to do a new edition of the lute suites?  be my guest. It is your 
time and money. But let's do it on a plain level field. Just like everybody 

>      And please, don't be so pretentious as to know with whom I'm well
>connected with in the guitar world.

Huh? I know nothing about you and I have no idea who you are connected 
with. Never heard your name before this thread. You make guitars? lutes? I 
don't recall ever hearing about your instruments from any one, and I do get 

>   And above all , you can have Bach, but
>keep your greedy hands off of Weiss.

Too late. I published the Moscow Weiss manuscript years before I even heard 
your name. As for Bach, you can check my on-line catalogue for my Bach 
transcriptions. You will not find the lute suites there.

Look here fellow: the issue is not me, and the issue is not Albert 
Reyerman. the issue is that the lute world is way too small. No 
instrumental discipline ever survived without publishers, and it does not 
matter if the publisher is a private person who is doing this for the love 
of the lute, or the lute society or large commercial publishers who can 
support the losing proposition of publishing lute music by publishing a lot 
of other commercial fodder. You want to join the crowd and become a 
publisher yourself?

That's commendable and I will be happy to assist you in any way I can, and 
so would Albert. But one thing you must understand: anytime you benefit by 
scavenging the work of others, the stench goes sky high. And don't give me 
this bullshit about posting this music on your web site as an altruistic 
service to the young. Your purpose is to attract surfers to your web site, 
where they can also view the instruments you have for sale. All you want is 
another advertising tool. Nothing wrong with that and we all do it. But 
please do it on your own nickel, not Albert's.

Matanya Ophee

Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax:     614-846-9794

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