Earlier this week I spent three days for work in Germany.  My brand new lute=
and I had some enjoyable meetings with some fellow lute player colleagues fr=
this lute  forum.=A0 First, on Saturday night I had a delightful dinner (thi=
time this year!) with Thomas Schall who is becoming like an old friend to=20
me.=A0=A0 So much to talk about and to share in our enthusiasm for the lute.=
=A0 But this=20
time we drove south of Frankfurt to Aschaffenburg in northern Bavaria to din=
in a baroque (17th C.) castle with his friend Meinhard Gerlach, a very fine=20
lutenist (and guitarist) and a composer of new works for the 13 course lute=20=
for lute and soprano as attested by his marvelous CD called "Silence"=20
(available from <A HREF=3D"www.lautenist.de)">www.lautenist.de)</A>.  I even=
 took out my lute after dinner and played=20
it briefly in an empty arched-ceilinged room, so tempted was I by the=20
accoustics and the setting, exotic for any American!

Then, the next day I met lutelisters Stephan Olbertz and Rainer aus dem=20
Spring for a wonderful read-through of the Vallet lute quartets at the flat=20=
of Mark=20
Wheeler.=A0 I met all three for the first time and the dinner conversation=20
afterwards was inspirational and mind-opening.=A0=A0 Hats off, too, to Marti=
n Shepard=20
who made several of the exquisite lutes we played on that evening!

I encourage all to pay attention to Mark Wheeler=B4s new renaissance trio=20
called Pantagruel, too!=A0 (www.pantagruel.de) who will perform in London Ap=
ril 17th.
I understand, too, that they will soon release their first CD, but for now=20
there are mp3 files to listen to on their website.  Mark is a great musician=
with many original ideas at his fingertips.  He is a wonderful improviser on=

The power of the Internet to share and exchange ideas and information on thi=
list is, at times, unsurpassable, but never a true replacement for meeting=20
(and playing music with!) others in person.=A0 This list is a great way to e=
such meetings when one is fortunate enough to be in the right place at the=20
right time.=A0=A0 It is fascinating to see and hear other players on differe=
continents dealing with the same issues in lutes, music, technical matters,=20
interpretation, and repertoire.  The same goes for the times over the last y=
ear and a=20
half when I've been priviledged to meet fellow lutelisters Ed Durbrow, David=
Rebuffa, Stewart McCoy, Martin Shepard, and David van Edwards in their=20
respective countries.

- Kenneth Be


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