
I am not offended, I am in fact amused, but to a greater degree I am
saddened.  I know there is a healthy serving of ego around here seasoned
with testosterone and good old fashioned hard headed I'm right and you're
wrong.  The Lute community is too small to harbor this kind of thing among
individuals who, from what I can see are making, or have made, significant
contributions to the world of the Lute.  Making instruments and publishing
facsimiles are both important engines that fuel this tiny universe of Early
Music.  I would hate for any of these individuals to get so "pissed off"
that they discontinue contributing to this site, in particular, and abandon
the Lute world, in general.  By now it is quite obvious that no one is going
to agree with the other and the debate can only get more ugly.  Or as some
of our local news anchors, aka talking heads, would say " More uglier". (Yes
they get paid to be that dense)

Vance Wood.
----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 9:58 PM
Subject: Re: Facsimeles etc.

> To all,
>   Am I the only one who finds the name calling, and tone of some of these
> e-mail exchanges offensive? It's great to be passionate and have strong
> about a subject, but how about a modicum of civility?  I know, "if you
> like it, don't read it"; but the subject matter is interesting, so, I
> Sincerely,
> James
> --

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