At 11:39 PM 12/7/2003 -0600, Michael Thames <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>That's a very appropriate reference to a guy who lost half his family in
>Auschwitz. Thanks Michael Thames. Your true colors are coming out in
>brighter colors all the time
>     Matanya Orphee... I thought that was a French name.

Orphee is not my name. That's the name of my publishing business. But I 
would not expect you to be able to tell the difference.

>   The Nazi was
>referring to you hating anyone who disagrees with you.

That's an even more inauspicious spin doctoring. First of all, what you 
know about my dealings in rmcg, is second hand. As you stated yourself, you 
were told about it by someone else. Howard Posner posted here a couple of 
days ago some account of what goes on in that NG, on a particular day. Much 
of what he said does in fact occurs there, but not on 12/6/03. Be that as 
it may, I do not recall any instance of outright antisemitism there, seeing 
that the great majority of posters in the NG are Jewish. As for homophobia, 
yes that does occur once in a while, from one particular source. But you 
are asserting here is that besides my expression of disagreement, I also 
_hate_ my opponents. You have no reason to say that. I may feel sorry for 
them for not seeing the truth the way I do, I may be annoyed by some of the 
language directed at me, but hate is not part of my emotional make up.

>       You know this whole thing reminds me of when I was the new kid at
>school and I would get in a fight with all my future best friends.  Lets
>call it quits, and the next time I'm at a GFA or some similar event, we can
>go have a couple of beers and put this all behind us.  I'm serious!

After all the epithets that you have directed at me in this medium, I do 
not believe I would find talking to you in person, on any subject, a 
pleasant or even interesting pastime. It would take more than a couple of 
beers to wipe that bad taste out of my mouth. More like a couple-three 
bottles of vodka, and unfortunately, I do not drink. Period. Not any more. 
Doctor's orders.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax:     614-846-9794

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