Considering his life time it must be a guitar lute 
(Wandervogel style).



Am 12 Jan 2004 um 10:14 hat Charles Browne geschrieben:

> Is there any signficance in Erik Korngold's use of the lute in his
> operas? I was lstening to 'Die tote Stadt' and I noticed that Maria's
> portrait depicts her holding a lute with which she accompanied
> herself. Paul, her widowed husband, passes a lute to Marietta (a
> dancer who looks, and speaks,like his dead wife) and asks her to sing
> a song to lute accompaniment. I cant remember this in the performance
> that I saw in Stockholm under Leif Segerstam. Interestly, the lute
> appears in three of Korngold's operas although I dont know whether
> these were Renaissance or Baroque instruments. Has anyone any ideas?
> Charles Browne

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