I have seen quite a few messages from people questioning thumb
under technique who are 1) teaching themselves and 2) only
giving it a few weeks.  I think this is a mistake!  I myself am
one of those people who has picked up a lot of musical instruments
on my own, with sometimes good results, but it took me several
years of lessons with several excellent teachers to get a good
thumb under technique, both tone and speed.  I also feel that 
the advantages of thumb under technique manifest themselves on a lightly
strung instrument, whereas the standard classical guitar technique
brings out the best of a more heavily strung instrument.  So people
who put guitar weight strings on their lute won't hear the reasons
for a thumb under technique.

My advice - go to the LSA seminar.  Really!  No excuses!  You will see and
hear it all there in one place, in one week.


> But I am still not convinced that the thumb-under technique is really an
> advantage over the classical guitar technique of thumb on the lower
courses and
> index and second fingers on the upper courses.  The thumb-under technique
> seems to be some sort of musical hairshirt to me.  And I don't see how it
> any less awkward than the thumb-upper-course, index-lower course classical
> guitar technique.  But I have never tried either that or the thumb-under
> technique.  I just don't want to spend six months learning some awkward
> technique like that when I could be building my repetoire with real music.
> Please understand I am self-taught on the guitar and the lute.  I have
> some instruction books.  But never have I never seen anything that
> the thumb playing the three upper courses and the index finger playing the
> courses on the guitar.  Why would anyone use anything as seemingly
> as that?  In what kind of music would that be an advantage over the thumb
> playing the lower courses and the index, middle, and even third fingers
> the higher courses?  You say that there are some passages that require the

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