He should cut the nails and switch to lute! It would be weird to shake that
many hands with the long nails on the right hand, I'm sure he gets some strange

--- Sal Salvaggio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I thought this might be of interest..........
> From the Charlotte Observer - Jan 18 - 2004  
> Jim Morrill
> "If Bill Clinton's saxophone was a symbol of
> exuberance, then Kerry's mid-life fascination with
> mastering the classical guitar suggests a more subdued
> inner nature ... Listening to Kerry play -- and I'm
> the last one to judge musical talent -- I was struck
> by both his intense concentration and the mournful
> quality to the music, whether it is a melody from
> Segovia or a slow, sad-eyed rendition of the Beatles'
> "Yesterday."Kerry's fingernails are a bit elongated on
> his right, guitar-strumming hand, but I was surprised
> when he said at one point, "People think I'm weird
> because the nails on one hand are longer than the ones
> on the other." Presidential candidates are allowed to
> find soothing refuge in playing the classical guitar,
> but they are never supposed to self-consciously muse
> aloud about being judged "weird."
> S. Salvaggio
> www.salvaggio.50megs.com
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