"Jon Murphy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> There I am out of my area, I don't know what you are speaking of in
> "diminutions" (I would have thought of that as a matter of volume or speed).

Diminuitions, or divisions, is a kind of ornamenting a melodic line by
splitting or dividing it into rows of shorter notes (rhythmical
diminuition). Those rows or lines of shorter notes usually go around the
actual centre note but may sometimes go in distant directions as well
(melodic diminuition).

Best wishes,


Mathias Roesel, Grosze Annenstrasze 5, 28199 Bremen, Deutschland/
Germany, T/F +49 - 421 - 165 49 97, Fax +49 1805 060 334 480 67, E-Mail:

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