Yet another feature has been added to the LSA Lute Festival in Cleveland 
(June 27 - July 2, 2004):

The New York Historical Dance Company, consisting of Dorothy Olsson (New 
York) and Kaspar Mainz (from the Leipzig vicinity) will join in the Lute Festival 
to perform early dance:

A special afternoon workshop on Renaissance dance and evening performance in 
the all-faculty concert "Pastime in Good Company" will take place on Wednesday 
June 30th at the Cleveland Museum of Art (Gartner Auditorium).   Accompanied 
by the Venere Lute Quartet, they will be dancing choreographies from the Negri 
and Caroso dance treatises in authentic costume.    In addition, on Tuesday 
afternoon the day before, they will conduct a family-oriented workshop on early 
dance in conjunction with the museum's education department.

A reminder to all:
Early registration makes you eligible for the $25 discount on tuition and 
gives you a greater choice of teachers for your two included private lessons!

Kenneth Be
Cleveland, Ohio


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