Hi Ed,
> I recall meeting him in Toronto in 1978, and I believe he is still building 
> lutes.  I recall him having had a number of renaissance lutes on display.

Do you know if his lutes are built in at least a period style. I ask this because I 
have an 8 course lute built in the 70s that is heavy and built more like a huge 
guitar. I'd guess the staves my lute are very thick in comparison to what's being 
built these days.
> This instrument in question appears something like a swan neck baroque 
> lute, but I notice that the diapasons are all single strung, and it appears 
> to be 14 courses.  This is strung something like an archlute.  I doubt if 
> the pattern is based on a historical model, but it probably would work as 
> an archlute.

It did have the appearance of an archlute, and to me seemed as if it should have had a 
swan neck. But as it was listed as a theorbo, and as the design is unfamiliar to me I 
thought I ask the greater knowledge base here. I might consider it as an instrument 
for a beginner to learn continuo if the price stays low.

Thank you for your reply.


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