On Wed, 14 Apr 2004, margerum wrote:

> >On Wed, 14 Apr 2004, Stewart McCoy wrote:
> >
> >>  4) I don't know how the letter "t" vanished from Hunt's Up, bu
> >>  hese  hings happen from  ime  o  ime.
> >Maybe the same assimilation that transforms "what's up" into "wazzup"?
> >Waddaya think?
> >
> >Peter.
> izzat so?

Yes, I think so, and actually I also think that the change from the p at
the end to a k is likely to be not an instance of dyslexia, but one of
dysaudia.  I bet that hearing the difference between a k and a p sounds in
a noisy room is much more difficult than seeing the difference between the
two letters in a misty room. (At comparable noise/mist levels, whatever
that may mean.) All these modifications look like word of mouth effects to
me.  Do we have a phonologist on board?


> Ed Margerum

the next auto-quote is:
If the Bible and my brain are both the work of the same Infinite God, whose
fault is it that the book and my brain do not agree?
(Robert G. Ingersoll)
Peter Nightingale                  Telephone (401) 874-5882
Department of Physics, East Hall   Fax (401) 874-2380
University of Rhode Island         Kingston, RI 02881

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