if you happen to be in Mannheim, germany on may, 16th you could hear me
play baroque lute at the Landesmuseum starting at 3 p.m.
there will also be some theatre in between my playing of music by
E.Reusner, S.L.Weiss, W.J. Lauffensteiner, from the Balcarres Manuscript
and probably Hagen and Kropffganss. 

Another opportunity to hear baroque lutes, this time as duo will be on
june, 4th (8 p.m.) at Kackelstugan, Västra Sörby, Öland (Schweden) when
I will play together with my duet partner Jürg Meili baroque lute duets
by Falckenhagen, Corigniani, Hagen, Weiss and Gleimius. 

We will present our new baroque lute duo program the first time at the
Gnadenskirche in Allensbach, germany on june 20th (8 p.m.) which will
contain the beautifull baroque lute duets by G.Ph. Telemann followed by
the D-Major Duet by S.L.Weiss. The program will be closed - as
traditional - with the G-Major Concerto by J.Gleimius. 

If you should miss these occassions there will be a chance to listen to
this program in august at the eastern sea: 14th we will perform it in
Ahrenshagen and on Ruegen at Cape Arcona (Vitt) on the 16th (9 p.m.).

If you should prefer english renaissance songs there will be several
performances together with Misao Asaka (soprano) and Reiner Steinweg
(Viola da Gamba):
July, 2nd at the Dottenfelder Hof, Bad Vilbel and at the Musikburg
Sternberg pn July 25th.

Other dates to be anounced. 

Best wishes

Thomas Schall
Niederhofheimer Weg 3   
D-65843 Sulzbach
www.lautenist.de / www.tslaute.de/weiss


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