If you really think the fascist US Junta is just a subject among others =
like ball games etc. it proves that Arto is right and something terrible =
happens to all of us. The repeated, almost hysterical pledge/command by =
various members of the list to muffle one's outrage and rather talk =
about nylgut is rather suspicious, I must say.
With my mouth open,
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 5:18 PM
  Subject: Off topic

  Dear all,

  The point at issue is quite simple. We all of us have our opinions =
upon a=20
  whole range of topics, will Liverpool Football club ever be any good =
again, why=20
  did Arsenal once more not win the Champions' League, and other matters =
  equally great importance. I could fill this list with my opinions on =
these burning=20
  questions, as could our American friends on baseball and our Finnish =
  on javelin throwing and long distance running. =20

  But this is a lute list. No one, I imagine, wants to hear my =
meditations on=20
  football, nor do I and the rest of us want to hear other people's =
ideas on=20
  politics. We none of are fools, but are here to talk of lutes and =
music. For those=20
  who feel the need to talk politics, there are countless boards where =
they can=20
  do this. Why we should be subjected to someone else's thoughts on what =
  going on in this or that part of the world is, frankly, beyond me. I =
don't need=20
  someone in Finland nor from anywhere else to tell me what to think, I =
can make=20
  up my own mind.=20

  And finally, it is impolite in the extreme to bother American and =
  participants (If I've left anyone out, sorry) with political and =
  judgements based on assumption of which the writer can have no the =
slightest idea.=20
  Just leave it alone, we're not here for that. And to misuse this list =
for such=20
  a purpose is tantamount to entering someone's house and being sick on =
  floor in order to protest at some government's policies. It just ain't =
on, it's=20
  insulting, patronising and totally unnecessary. Cheers

  Tom  =20



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